IIR document
Evaporative cooling and Legionella: a risk which can be prevented by using good practices, 18th Informatory Note on refrigerating technologies.
Type of article: Techincal Brief
Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of legionellosis, is found in aqueous environments. The sources of contamination are hot water distribution systems (showers, etc.), evaporative cooling systems such as wet cooling towers and evaporative condensers and all devices generating small, breathable, hot water droplets. The sectors concerned are industry, commercial (hotels, office buildings and shopping centres, etc.), health (hospitals) and residential. Unitary air conditioners, and more generally all types of equipment that use air-cooled condensers, cannot be a source of legionellosis. See also this Bulletin, reference 2006-2618.
Available documents
- Original title: Evaporative cooling and Legionella: a risk which can be prevented by using good practices, 18th Informatory Note on refrigerating technologies.
- Record ID : 2006-2617
- Source: IIF, Note Inf./IIR, Inf. Note/www.iifiir.org - n. 18
- Publishers: IIF-IIR
- Publication date: 2006/02
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- See also: IIR Informatory Notes on Refrigerating Technologies.
- See translations: Enfriamiento evaporativo y Legionella: un riesgo que puede ser prevenido con las buenas prácticas. 18 Nota Informativa del Instituto Internacional del Frío.
Preventie Legionella bij koeltorens en verdampingscondensors: risico's vermijden door good practices te gebruiken.
See the source
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- Languages : Dutch
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 100 - n. 3
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- Languages : Spanish
- Source: IIF, Note Inf./IIR, Inf. Note - n. 18
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- Source: Refrigeration - vol. 85 - n. 991
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- Author(s) : BROADBENT C.
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- Date : 2007
- Languages : English
- Source: Refrig. Air Cond., Serv. Eng. - n. 45
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