Flammability evaluation of HFC-32 and HFC-32/HFC-134a under practical operating conditions.


Refrigerants were pooled in a pan the size of a small room and ignited in order to evaluate ignition potential and the nature of flame propagation. Combustion of HFC-32 occurred but not explosively, although explosions of HFC-32 in small vessels have been reported. Furthermore, combustion of HFC-32 was shown to be quite different from that of HFC-152a, even though they are classified in the same flammability group by ASHRAE. Typical ignition sources under practical operating conditions were also evaluated to assess the risk of ignition. For example, it was confirmed that typical ignition sources such as a lit pilot burner could not ignite the blend.


  • Original title: Flammability evaluation of HFC-32 and HFC-32/HFC-134a under practical operating conditions.
  • Record ID : 1999-1398
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1998/10
  • Source: Source: ISO, TC 86 SC1 WG1 Meet.
    ISO-TC 86--SC1-WG1 N151; 6 p.; 9 fig.; 2 tabl.; 8 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.