Frozen/thawed platelets: importance of osmotic tolerance and platelet subpopulations.

Author(s) : ARNAUD F.


Poor platelet freezing performance is not solely due to weakening of all platelets in a suspension: low survival may be due to complete injury of sensitive cells that are freezing intolerant. A category of platelet can be reversibly protected by addition of anti-aggregation agents. Response to freezing depends on the quality of the freshly collected platelet concentrate.


  • Original title: Frozen/thawed platelets: importance of osmotic tolerance and platelet subpopulations.
  • Record ID : 2000-2804
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1999/05
  • Source: Source: Cryobiology/Soc. Cryobiol., Annu. Meet., Pittsburgh/Symp. Cryopreserv. human Platelets, Pittsburgh
    vol. 38; n. 3; 192-199; 3 fig.; 2 tabl.; 32 ref.