IIR document

Heat Pumps and Refrigerating Units.

Systèmes frigorifiques et pompes à chaleur.

Author(s) : DUMINIL M., VRINAT G.

Type of monograph: Book


Each of the first four volumes contains a detailed presentation of its particular area, along with proposals and numerous tables and graphics (work done for Electricité de France within the framework of the IIR). This is a basic text with an excellent presentation of cycles and systems. Volume l: - The cycles of heat pumps and of compression refrigerating systems - Design of refrigerating and heat pump circuits - Refrigerants and oils. Volume II: - Secondary fluids - Heat and cold storage - Heat exchange - Formulae - Relations and Correlations - Refrigerating exchangers. Volume III: - Compressors and motors - Expansion valves and control devices. Volume IV: - Sorption, chemical gas-driven and hybrid heat pumps - Industrial applications of heat pumps. Volume V: Directory of research centres.

Available documents

Format Hard copy

Pages: 536


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