In vitro studies on the effect of harvest maturity, relative humidity, wetness period and cold-storage temperature, on the infection potential of Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus stolonifer on Thompson Seedless table grapes.

Author(s) : WITBOOI W. R., TAYLOR M. A., FOURIE J. F.

Type of article: Article


An increase in harvest maturity was associated with increased susceptibility to Aspergillus and Rhizopus infection. Increasing RH had an inconsistent effect on infection potential and longer wetness periods were associated with a consistent increase in decay potential. Both fungi developed on berries stored at 7.5 °C for 14 days but growth was inhibited at -0.5 and 3 °C.


  • Original title: In vitro studies on the effect of harvest maturity, relative humidity, wetness period and cold-storage temperature, on the infection potential of Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus stolonifer on Thompson Seedless table grapes.
  • Record ID : 2003-1356
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Deciduous Fruit Grow. - vol. 50 - n. 9
  • Publication date: 2000


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