Incidence of Salmonella on beef carcasses relating to the US meat and poultry inspection regulations.

Author(s) : SOFOS J. N., KOCHEVAR S. L., REAGAN J. O., et al.

Type of article: Article


Samples were excised from each of three carcass anatomical sites at each of three points in the slaughtering chain after chilling. A total of 3,780 samples (100 cm2 each) were analysed for presence of Salmonella; aerobic plate counts, total coliform counts, and Escherichia coli counts were also made. After 24 hours chilling, average incidence of the Salmonella in the different samples was evaluated and compared with regulatory requirements.


  • Original title: Incidence of Salmonella on beef carcasses relating to the US meat and poultry inspection regulations.
  • Record ID : 2000-0844
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: Journal of Food Protection - vol. 62 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 1999/05
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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