Improving the safety of meat and poultry: a science-based strategy for protecting public health. Information kit.
Author(s) : USDA
Type of monograph: Booklet
The information kit includes: A "backgrounder" on the final rule on pathogen reduction and hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems (see IIR Bulletin 96-6, reference 96-3825). This rule includes requirement for HACCP systems, pathogen reduction performance standards for Salmonella, mandatory E. Coli testing and sanitation, and standard operating procedures. It evaluates the four-year implementation cost at USD 305 million to 3. 7 billion and yearly public health benefits between USD 990 to 357 million. 12 Keyfacts sheets on: how USDA's new food safety system will fight bacteria that cause foodborne illness (4000 deaths, 5 million illnesses per year); HACCP systems; microbial testing programs: FSIS testing for Salmonella and plant testing for E. coli; sanitation standard operating procedures; economic impact analysis; impact of HACCP rule on small businesses; training and assistance; implementation schedule; plans for continuing dialogue; enforcement under HACCP and pathogen reduction; role of the inspector under HACCP; USDA's food safety accomplishments since 1993.
- Original title: Improving the safety of meat and poultry: a science-based strategy for protecting public health. Information kit.
- Record ID : 1997-1266
- Languages: English
- Subject: Regulation
- Publication: USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) - United states/United states
- Publication date: 1996/07
- Source: Source: 28 p. (21 x 27).
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Food quality and safety. Microbiology;
Meat and meat products;
Refrigeration and perishable products: regulations and standards - Keywords: Standardization; Poultry; Salmonella; Safety; Enhancement; Economy; Contamination; Microbiology; Meat; Quality; Health; HACCP; USA; Control (generic)
Food safety: current status and future needs.
- Organiser : DOORES S.
- Date : 1999
- Languages : English
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Pathogen reduction: hazard analysis and critica...
- Author(s) : USDA
- Date : 1996/07
- Languages : English
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Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. Report ...
- Author(s) : FAO, OMS, Codex Alimentarius Commission
- Date : 2002/02/18
- Languages : English
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Actual selected aspects of epidemiology and epi...
- Author(s) : KWIATEK K., HOSZOWSKI A.
- Date : 1996
- Languages : Polish
- Source: Przemysl Spozywczy - vol. 50 - n. 6
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Guidelines on the application of the principles...
- Date : 1995/09
- Languages : English
- Source: Comm. Codex Aliment./Codex Aliment. Comm. - CX-FH 95-8; 5 p.
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