Living without HFCs: the Danish experience.

Author(s) : MADSEN K.


The future will bring big changes for the industry. It seems as if CO2 could be the most enduring solution but this is impossible to know. It is most likely we will see a lot of different system designs living alongside each other. Cascade systems and transcritical systems will run alongside HFC systems for many years to come. Nobody knows what the future will bring but the experience in Denmark has proven that CO2 is a good alternative to synthetic refrigerants where hydrocarbons seem to play a minor role due to flammability issues.


  • Original title: Living without HFCs: the Danish experience.
  • Record ID : 2009-1445
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: HFCs alternatives
  • Source: The Institute of Refrigeration: annual proceedings. Volume 105, 2008-2009.
  • Publication date: 2008


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