Meat based delicatessen and canned food in Poland.

Charcuterie et conserves à base de viande en Pologne.

Type of article: Periodical article


The paper discusses a final report of ONUDI, in three chapters: global analysis of the sector, analysis of international investment, identification of potential investors and their plans. Without giving details of the refrigerating machinery, chapter 1 comments as follows: inadequate refrigeration in slaughterhouses and processing plants, delapidated cold stores previously built for strategic purposes, significant progress in the privatization of the retail sector involving the fitting out with refrigeration equipment, development of the meat industry, now profitable, modern household appliances (refrigerators and freezers). J.R.


  • Original title: Charcuterie et conserves à base de viande en Pologne.
  • Record ID : 1993-0577
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Source: ONUDI - 1-26; 3 tabl.
  • Publication date: 1992/04/15
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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