New consumption trends.

De nouveaux modes de consommation.

Author(s) : AUBRY J. F.

Type of article: Article


Consumer choices are no longer guided by price and quality alone. Nowadays, consumer choices are influenced by new criteria such as practical and innovative features. This trend has emerged clearly in the quick-frozen fish field in which the accent is placed above all on easy-to-prepare dishes. The French like to eat fish, but they want it "bone-free". With a number of crises taking place on the meat market, consumers should be reminded that fish is a tasty, healthy alternative.


  • Original title: De nouveaux modes de consommation.
  • Record ID : 2002-2029
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Monde Surgelé - n. 69
  • Publication date: 2001/06
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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