IIR document
Performances tests of the cold chain indicators and time/temperature integrators tools for control of the cold chain.
Number: pap. 200
Author(s) : CAVALIER G., OLANGALIRE E., LECOCQ S., et al.
Temperature indicators (TI) and time-temperature integrators (TTI) are being increasingly used to control and assess cold chain particularly in the food, health and chemical sectors. These tools are used to monitor temperature-sensitive products. The time/temperature indicator is used to indicate via a visible change of state, an overlap of a temperature limit, instantly or for a given period of time. It allows the consumption of capital time/temperature set to be indicated by a visible change in state. The time-temperature indicator is easy to use, cheap and easily understandable. Even when tests protocols existed for thermometers and temperature recorders for years in Europe, there was until recently, no standard or public methodology to assess the performances of TI or TTI. French experts filled this gap with the AFNOR NF E 18 100 standard published in 2013 for the test of TI and TTI. It is now possible to measure performances of these tools, directly readable without additional devices, with a standardized methodology, whatever the physical operating principle be: electronic, mechanical, physical, physicochemical, chemical, biological and microbiological... This standard also provides requirements for the design including lock settings, autonomy, information marking, safety, food grade and recyclability. It sets the information to be provided by the manufacturer to the test laboratory in charge for the characterization of the product's performance. It defines how to realize the tests including conditions of qualification of the operators for visual analysis and the conditions of the ability of testing methods (homogeneity and stability of thermostatic chambers, weather conditions, lighting conditions, uncertainties of measurement of temperature measurement device). This new standard finally defines the different tests to be performed on the product as well as the modes of expressions for the results, classification of the product and the declaration of conformity. The tests consist of verifying the accuracy of indicators or time / temperature integrators. The test facilities used, allow for the evolution of the state of the device to be measured depending on the duration and the temperatures set for the test. The measurement of the accuracy of the indicators and time-temperature integrators is achieved using a temperature measurement device with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) less than or equal to 0.3°C for a temperature range of between -20°C to + 40°C, and with a sufficient minimum frequency in a thermostatic chamber. An analysis of the influencing factors that could alter the device is carried out. Indeed some factors, such as shock, vibration, tightness, electromagnetic compatibility and the type of lighting can cause a malfunction of the devices according to their principle of operation. For a same type of TI or TTI, results of each tested item are calculated using the average and the standard deviation of the theoretical durations (for indicators), time thresholds and temperature theoretical value of the thresholds (for time/temperature integrators). Among the average values, the greater is retained and is used to determine the class of the device according to the table below: A class is thus attributed to the various types qualified in accordance with the provisions of the standard. This article will present the different technologies of TI and TTI, the test methodology and the results of the first tests done in laboratories with TTI.
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- Original title: Performances tests of the cold chain indicators and time/temperature integrators tools for control of the cold chain.
- Record ID : 30012063
- Languages: English
- Source: 3rd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: London, UK, June 23-25, 2014
- Publication date: 2014/06/23
See other articles from the proceedings (87)
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