Regulation of sugar accumulation in stored potato tubers.

Author(s) : DAVIES H. V., VIOLA R.

Type of article: Article


Throughout the world, clonal material with improved low-temperature storage characteristics is being generated from traditional breeding programmes. These provide the biochemist with the tools to study the regulation of the process and to identify targets for genetic manipulations. The use of transgenic plants to investigate the role played by specific genes in the regulation of low-temperature sweetening will also contribute significantly to our knowledge of carbohydrate metabolism in a range of plant species.


  • Original title: Regulation of sugar accumulation in stored potato tubers.
  • Record ID : 1993-2057
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Postharvest News Inf. - vol. 3 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 1992/10
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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