IIR document
Semi-analytical solution for the one-phase Stefan problem subjected to time-varying boundary conditions in spherical coordinates.
Number: 0022
Author(s) : MOHIT M., XU M., SASMITO A. P.
The Stefan problem has been traditionally used to represent a general form of phase change problems. Existing analytical solutions are not valid when the Stefan problem is subjected to a time-varying convective boundary condition. Currently, numerical approaches should be employed in this case which are computationally expensive. In the present study, a semi-analytical fast-to-compute approach is proposed to solve the one-phase Stefan problem with time-varying convective boundary condition in the spherical coordinate using a novel heat resistance model coupled with the analytical perturbation series solution. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by conducting simulation studies for different physical conditions including the geometrical and thermal properties of the system. Also, the superiority of the developed semi-analytical approach over the numerical enthalpy method in terms of computational load is illustrated through comparing the run-times. The droplet solidification problem is selected to illustrate the application of the developed approach.
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- Original title: Semi-analytical solution for the one-phase Stefan problem subjected to time-varying boundary conditions in spherical coordinates.
- Record ID : 30032375
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 14th IIR Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Proceedings: Paris France, May 29-31, 2024.
- Publication date: 2024/05/31
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.pcm.2024.0022
See other articles from the proceedings (40)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Thermodynamics and changes of state
- Keywords: Change of phase; Freezing; Thermodynamics; Thermodynamic property; Simulation; Calculation
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