Study on postharvest physiological changes and storage techniques of sugar cane.

[In Chinese. / En chinois.]

Author(s) : MAO L. C., LIU W. X.

Type of article: Article


Vacuum packaging with preservative treatment could effectively inhibit the activities of sucrose invertases and polyphenol oxidase. Peeling and cutting stimulated the increase of respiration rate of sugar cane by 8.43 times. The shorter the sugar cane section, the more the respiration rate increased. Peeled sugar cane, combined with the application of preservative and vacuum packaging, could be stored for 20 days at 0 °C.


  • Original title: [In Chinese. / En chinois.]
  • Record ID : 2002-2482
  • Languages: Chinese
  • Source: Sci. Agric. sin. - vol. 33 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 2000


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