Test results of a Rotation Heat Pump and further developments.
Number: No 100
Strict regulations for refrigerants in terms of global warming potential (GWP) force industries and suppliers to develop new compressors, working fluids and lubrication systems. In contrast of solving these challenges, the Rotation Heat Pump (RHP) is based on a completely new principle and design which eliminate them via a fully integrated system. The compression in a RHP, which uses a nontoxic, ecologically friendly and not flammable working fluid, is based on centrifugal forces. This results in a very high compression efficiency of more than 99% and furthermore in a high coefficient of performance (COP). The process itself relies on a Joule cycle where the heat transfer is sensible and the working fluid is always gaseous. As a consequence, the process is not depending on the critical point of the fluid. A Rotation Heat Pump K7, developed during the last few years, was installed in January 2019 at the customers site and performance data has been collected since then. These results will be shown additionally to further examples of tests which have been done at a test rig. The advantage of flexibility in terms of temperature as well as the performance (COP) are shown in different charts.
The next step of engineering is the development of a RHP-M2, which will provide a maximal thermal power at the sink of 2 MW. Additionally, some new arrangements will allow a temperature spread between sink and source of about 100 K. Another new feature will be special heat exchangers which will enable advanced operation modes. A further possibility for a new design is the downscaling to a 10 kW RHP, which would be possible to use in a standard household.
Available documents
Format PDF
Pages: 10 p.
- Original title: Test results of a Rotation Heat Pump and further developments.
- Record ID : 30029981
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2021: Heat Pumps – Mission for the Green World. Conference proceedings [full papers]
- Publication date: 2021/08/31
See other articles from the proceedings (198)
See the conference proceedings
Energy efficiency, energy savings;
Heat pumps techniques - Keywords: Rotation; Heat pump; High temperature; COP; Energy efficiency; Test rig; Rare gas; CFD; Calculation; Testing
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- Languages : English
- Source: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Montréal , Canada, August 24-30, 2019.
- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : LINTON J. W.
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- Languages : English
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