The evaluation of a 4000-home geothermal heat pump retrofit at Fort Polk, Louisiana: final report.
Author(s) : ORNL, HUGHES P. J., SHONDER J. A.
Type of monograph: Report
This report documents an ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) evaluation of an energy retrofit of 4003 family housing units at Fort Polk, Louisiana, under an energy savings performance contract. Replacement of the heating, cooling, and water heating systems in these housing units with geothermal heat pumps anchored the retrofit; low-flow shower heads and compact fluorescent lighting were also installed, as well as attic insulation where needed. Statistically valid findings indicate that the project will save 2.5 million kWh, or 32.5% of the pre-retrofit whole-community electrical consumption, and 100% of the whole-community gas previously used for space conditioning and water heating in a typical meteorological year. Extract from the table of contents: methodology and calculation of energy savings; maintenance savings; using calibrated engineering models to predict energy savings; geothermal heat pump system models, calibrated to data; comparison of practical BHEx design methods to a Fort Polk data/model benchmark; measurement and verification of energy savings. More information on the project on Web site:
- Original title: The evaluation of a 4000-home geothermal heat pump retrofit at Fort Polk, Louisiana: final report.
- Record ID : 2001-2077
- Languages: English
- Subject: Regulation, Environment
- Publication: US Department of Commerce, NTIS (National Technical Information Service) - United states/United states
- Publication date: 1998/03
- Source: Source: ORNL-CON-640; 146 p. (21.7 x 28); fig.; tabl.; ref.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Heat pumps techniques;
Residential heat-pumps;
Green buildings;
Heat pumps, energy recovery: regulations and standards - Keywords: Geothermy; Single-family house; Energy consumption; Calculation; Measurement; Maintenance; Design; Recommendation; Heat pump; Modelling; Residential building; USA; Energy saving
In the loop: geothermal heat pump manufacturers...
- Date : 1998/02/09
- Languages : English
- Source: Air Cond. Heat. Refrig. News - vol. 203 - n. 6
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Les pompes à chaleur dans l'existant sur réseau...
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La géothermie.
- Author(s) : LEMALE J.
- Date : 2012
- Languages : French
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Heat pump system competition in the Netherlands...
- Author(s) : DOORN J. van, OOSTENDORP P.
- Date : 1997
- Languages : English
- Source: IEA HPC Newsl. - vol. 15 - n. 3
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Pompes à chaleur. Dossier.
- Author(s) : BERNIER J., AUFFRET P., BECK F., et al.
- Date : 1999/03
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 88 - n. 991
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