Water-source heat pumps with HFC refrigerants.
Author(s) : GLAMM P.
Type of article: Article
In the search to find an alternative to R22 for water-source heat pumps, a 10.6 kilowatt system has been tested with two HFC blends, R407C and R410A. The performance with R410A was slightly better than that for R22, while R407C suffered a performance loss relative to R22. In addition, R407C can suffer from freeze-up problems during low ambient heating, due to the very low refrigerant temperatures entering the water heat exchanger. However, the current compressor product lines are sized appropriately for application with R407C, not for R410A. In the short-term, the industry can substitute R407C for R22, although with some loss in performance, a narrower operating range and uncertain reliability. Both compressors and heat exchangers must be redesigned to fully optimize water-source heat pumps for use with either R407C or R410A, just as the industry is doing with R134a applications today.
- Original title: Water-source heat pumps with HFC refrigerants.
- Record ID : 1996-1831
- Languages: English
- Source: IEA HPC Newsl. - vol. 13 - n. 1
- Publication date: 1995/03
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (5)
See the source
Fluorocarbon blends as R22 substitutes.
- Author(s) : AHNEFELD G., WOBST E.
- Date : 1994/11/16
- Languages : German
- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 1994 Bonn.
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- Author(s) : BIVENS D. B., DENISON G.
- Date : 1996/09/22
- Languages : English
- Source: Heat pumping technologies towards the next century: applications and markets. Proceedings of the 5th IEA Conference.
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- Author(s) : MEI V. C., CHEN F. C., CHEN D. T., HUANG-FU E. P.
- Date : 1995/06/24
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Transactions.
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- Author(s) : TAIRA S., YAZIMA R., TARUTANI I., et al.
- Date : 2001
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers - vol. 18 - n. 1
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- Author(s) : DUBOIS L., RINALDI R.
- Date : 1995/05
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 818
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