IIR document

Warm liquid defrosting technology for supermarket display cases.

Author(s) : BAXTER V. D., MEI V. C.


This document presents a defrosting system used for the evaporators of a display cabinet system, using warm liquid circulation. The warm liquid is subcooled, and is then injected into the accumulator located at the compressor inlet, from where it is evaporated by desuperheating the suction vapour. Each of the system's evaporators can therefore be defrosted individually while the others continue to operate. The system's limitations are examined. The system is compared with warm gas defrosting and electrical resistance defrosting.

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Pages: 2002-3


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  • Original title: Warm liquid defrosting technology for supermarket display cases.
  • Record ID : 2003-2499
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2002/07/22
  • Source: Source: Proc. Urbana-Champaign int. Conf., IIR
    2002-3; 147-157; fig.; tabl.; 7 ref.