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526 results
IIR document
A control-oriented hybrid model for a direct expansion air conditioning system.
Comparison of direct expansion and combined direct expansion and organic Rankine cycle for power generation by utilizing LNG cold energy.
Direct expansion or chilled water. Which is better?
The influences of the operating characteristics of an Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) on the operational stability of an EEV controlled direct expansion air conditioning system.
Thermal performance of ground source heat pumps that use direct expansion system.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Low charge ammonia systems designed as direct expansion.
A modeling study on the operational stability of a variable speed direct expansion air conditioning system.
Performance comparison of a vertical direct expansion geothermal evaporator: PART II, multiple U-pipes.
A gray-box dynamic modeling method for variable speed direct-expansion systems.
A hierarchical gray-box dynamic modeling methodology for direct-expansion cooling systems to support control stability analysis.
Development of a steady-state physical-based mathematical model for a direct expansion based enhanced dehumidification air conditioning system.
Influence of subcooling on performance of direct-expansion solar-assisted heat pump.
Shell side plain tube bundle performance of a multi-pass direct expansion evaporation of ammonia at various degrees of exit superheat.
Modular data center direct expansion HPAC solutions – R466A as a replacement for R410A.
Modeling evaluation of a direct-expansion solar-assisted heat pump water heater using R410A.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
41 results
A low charge direct expansion evaporator system configured to use less ammonia
A US-based meat processor operates a cold storage facility that uses just 1 kg approx ammonia per kW.
ICR2019: overview of current refrigeration research topics (part III)
Energy storage, desiccant air conditioning, high-temperature heat pumps and ejector technologies were some of the salient topics of the latest IIR Congress. Continuation of the synthesis of key presentations of ICR2019.
French supermarkets turn to ice slurries
- Carrefour 's Collégien, France, hypermarket is using indirect refrigeration for over 6100 m 2 out of a total 15 000 m 2 surface area: CO 2 (in a 4-loop system) for temperatures below 0°C (refrigerating capacity: 232 kW) and ice slurries...
Intense competition for the next-generation MAC refrigerant
Less than 3 years before the January 1, 2011 deadline for using fluorinated gases (F-gases) with a GWP higher than 150 in the new models of cars according to the European Directive 2006/40 on emissions from mobile air-conditioning (MAC) systems,...
2004 Climate Protection Award
Since 1998, the Climate Protection Award is awarded by the US Environmental Protection Agency in recognition of achievements in protecting the Earth's climate. On April 13, 2004, this award was presented to 12 international individuals and...
CO2 applications: First commercial CO2 system in Latin America
Last April Verdemar supermarket chain inaugurated its fifth store in the suburb of Jardim Canada, Nova Lima -Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is the first Latin American supermarket that uses carbon dioxide as a refrigerant. Its Skyrack Breeze, developed...
Briefs: US supermarkets: CO2 gains ground
Being already largely used in Europe, CO2 refrigeration systems might see important development in North American supermarkets. The medium-size retail chain Price Chopper Supermarkets has installed a cascade system using CO2 in the low-temperature...
Magnetic-bearing centrifugal compressors
This new compressor technology - presented at the 2003 AHR Expo in Chicago - may have a significant effect on the future of mid-range chillers and rooftop applications in water-cooled, evaporatively cooled and air-cooled chilled-water and...
CO2 Supermarkets
The journal Die Kälte und Klimatechnik has just produced an article on the opening of a supermarket using refrigeration installations for the first time running on direct expansion CO2 with both medium and low temperatures in Wettingen,...
Integrated CO2-CHP system
Brunel - a UK University - and 14 industrial partners in the commercial refrigeration sector have presented an innovative integrated energy system which has been designed to meet the needs of medium and large supermarkets and can be tailored to...
Novel energy-saving cryogenic equipment for walnut kernel peeling
In a recent study, a prototype cryogenic equipment was designed to peel walnut kernel more efficiently than by immersion in liquid nitrogen.
2005 AHR Expo Innovation award winners
The winners of the third annual AHR (Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration) Expo Innovation awards will be honoured during a ceremony during the 2005 AHR Expo in Orlando, Florida, on February 8, 2005. The product entries were judged for...
Chillers: efficiency takes off
Chillers are key refrigerating systems since, according to the Department of Energy, in the US, they account for about 13% of the power consumed by the nation's buildings and 9% of the overall demand for electric power. Examples below illustrate...
Slight increase in global LNG trade in 2020
Global LNG trade continued to grow in 2020 albeit at a slower pace than the previous year. Meanwhile, orders for LNG-powered vessels have increased significantly.
The CRAC (Computer Room Air Conditioning) market within the EMEA zone
The CRAC market accounts for 30,000 sold units in 2014, i.e as many as in 2013 within the EMEA zone. Like in 2013, 80% of the market is dominated by Europe.
IIR news
11 results
IIR Working Group on the Cold Chain in Warm Countries appoints a new chairperson
Newly appointed chairperson, Halima Thraya, will oversee and coordinate the various efforts and projects carried out by the Working Group.
IIR at SIFA Expo 2024
On 19-21 November, IIR participated in SIFA Expo 2024, the interprofessional trade show on refrigeration and its applications in Lyon, France, a premier event for commercial and industrial refrigeration, cold...
Editorial by Didier Coulomb
Energy is one of the main strategic challenges of this century, both in terms of the impact of energy consumption on the environment (greenhouse effect) and above all in terms of the risk of shortages with respect to our society's needs (limited...
EPTA S.P.A. continues to grow in Germany with the acquisition of heifo refrigeration activities
The European expansion of one of the leading companies in commercial refrigeration continues with an increasingly capillary service for its customers in the north of Germany.
Member news: Latest news from Danfoss
Danfoss is improving its range of electric expansion valves and has started construction of an energy-efficient supermarket.
Member news: latest innovations from Mirai Intex
The company Mirai Intex has just marketed a refrigeration machine using air cycle for low temperatures. Mirai Intex also markets a mobile storage solution.
The long awaited ICR2015 is underway!
Held every four years, this year ICR2015 welcomes 1,011 conference delegates from 55 countries, making it a truly global refrigeration event.
REFCOLD India 2024
We are thrilled to announce that visitor registration is now open for REFCOLD India 2024 - Yosr Allouche, the first woman to be elected Director General of the IIR, will be speaking at the event.
The IIR worldwide (may 2019)
Focus on the latest IIR interventions around the world.
Three educational and awareness-raising events within the framework of INDEE+ project in 2021
For the INDEE+ project, the end of the year 2021 was marked by several educational events aiming to raise awareness of the application of clean cooling systems offered by the CO2/R744 refrigeration...
IJR Editorial: The IIR on the board of the international network of women in cooling
Women are significantly and visibly under-represented in the refrigeration industry. A preliminary evaluation has demonstrated that around 6% of women are members of national refrigeration and air-conditioning...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
3 results
Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...
Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...
Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling
In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...