IIR document

A compilation of correlation parameters for predicting the enthalpy and thermal conductivity of solid foods within the temperature range of -40 to 40°C.

Author(s) : AMOS N. D., WILLIX J., CHADDERTON T., et al.

Type of article: Article, IJR article


This paper presents thermal conductivity data for 40 foods, enthalpy data for 58 foods and density data for nine foods, along with the compositions of the foods. Measurements cover a range of solid food types (including meats, fats, offal, fish, dairy products and horticultural products). Some measurements reported are for foods that have never before been studied, others have been published elsewhere, but are included here for convenience. Thermal conductivity was measured using a guarded hot-plate apparatus, enthalpy using an adiabatic calorimeter and density using a water displacement meter. Thermal conductivity and enthalpy values were measured within the temperature range of -40 to 40°C.

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Pages: 1293-1298


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  • Original title: A compilation of correlation parameters for predicting the enthalpy and thermal conductivity of solid foods within the temperature range of -40 to 40°C.
  • Record ID : 2008-2555
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 31 - n. 7
  • Publication date: 2008/11


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