Are lipid phase transitions responsible for chilling damage in human platelets?

Author(s) : CROWE J. H., TABLIN F., TSVETKOVA N., et al.


In previous studies, the authors proposed that the well-known chilling-induced activation of human blood platelets can be ascribed at least in part to a thermotropic phase transition in membrane lipids. The evidence that this is the case is reviewed and amplified in the review, followed by an examination of the available physical data concerning phase transitions in lipid mixtures that mimic the mixture found in platelet membranes.


  • Original title: Are lipid phase transitions responsible for chilling damage in human platelets?
  • Record ID : 2000-2805
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1999/05
  • Source: Source: Cryobiology/Soc. Cryobiol., Annu. Meet., Pittsburgh/Symp. Cryopreserv. human Platelets, Pittsburgh
    vol. 38; n. 3; 180-191; 8 fig.; 4 tabl.; 60 ref.