Changes in antioxidant system of potato tuber during low temperature storage in relation to sweetening development.

Author(s) : KUMAR D.

Type of article: Article


Kufri Chipsona-1 potatoes were stored for 4 weeks at 4 or 12°C. The glucose, sucrose, ascorbic acid and phenol levels along with ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were monitored weekly. Higher levels of free sugars and ascorbate were observed in potatoes stored at 4°C. Higher enzyme activities were seen at 4°C.


  • Original title: Changes in antioxidant system of potato tuber during low temperature storage in relation to sweetening development.
  • Record ID : 2010-0510
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. - vol. 46 - n. 4
  • Publication date: 2009/07
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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