IIR document

Changing technologies in food preservation.

Author(s) : BAILEY C.


The author outlines three areas of change in the food refrigeration process and examines the implications of these changes on refrigeration system design and operation. The requirements of National and European legislation and the operational problems in meeting them are discussed. Alternative refrigeration processes, convenience foods, storage, transportation and display and CFC issues are discussed in depth. A new look at the assessment of refrigeration system performance and the possible re-introduction of cold air systems are proposed. G.R.S.

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  • Original title: Changing technologies in food preservation.
  • Record ID : 1993-1424
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Publication date: 1990/09/24
  • Source: Source: C. R. Réun. Dresde, IIF/Proc. Dresd. Meet., IIR
    1990-4; 519-533; 2 fig.; 3 tabl.; 30 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.