IIR document

Energy efficiency of the thermocompression refrigerating and heat pump systems.

Author(s) : SAREVSKI V. N., SAREVSKI M. N.

Type of article: Article, IJR article


From numerous perspectives, water turbocompressor refrigerating systems should become the ultimate choice of refrigerating system in the range of air conditioning application. Optimal scheme structure of the R718 centrifugal compressor refrigerating/heat pump systems and comparative analysis of their performance characteristics are given. Among the technical and environmental advantages of the water systems, the direct evaporation and condensation are additional advantageous for the R718 systems concerning COP increment. Two stage centrifugal compressors are an optimal solution for these applications. An analysis of the thermal characteristics of the industrial concentrators with thermocompression is presented. The complex thermal and flow phenomena in the processes of thermocompression, evaporation and condensation are discussed. The theoretical and experimental investigations on an experimental grape vacuum concentrator and on an industrial NaOH concentrator show that significant increment of the energy efficiency can be achieved by optimal application of thermocompression in thermal concentrating processes.

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Pages: 1067-1079


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  • Original title: Energy efficiency of the thermocompression refrigerating and heat pump systems.
  • Record ID : 30004129
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 35 - n. 4
  • Publication date: 2012/06


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