Experimental study using R290 in a simple R12 refrigerating system.


Performance comparison tests were carried out on R290 (propane) which was selected in the study as a substitute refrigerant for R12 in the existing residential systems. The two refrigerants were tested in a fully instrumented experimental rig especially designed and constructed for R12, with a manual throttle valve installed instead of capillary tube to control refrigerant mass flow rate. The two refrigerants were tested over the same ambient temperature range. From the test data, the performance of the system as a function of throttle valve opening were obtained. Results are given.


  • Original title: Experimental study using R290 in a simple R12 refrigerating system.
  • Record ID : 1998-1533
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Proceedings of the second Jordanian International Conference for Mechanical Engineering (JIMEC 97).
  • Publication date: 1997/06/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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