Food engineering concepts: associated processes and applications with respect to food preservation concepts.

Concepts de génie alimentaire : procédés associés et applications à la conservation des aliments.


Type of monograph: Book


This book presents in a detailed manner all the processes involved in food preservation. The aim is to provide a practical tool for everyone working in or intending to work in the food or chemical industry who wishes to perform applied calculations.
Extract from the table of contents: preservation principles and initial concepts (water activity; reaction kinetics and prediction parameters for the shelf life of foodstuffs; fluids and flow; thermophysical properties of foodstuffs; material and energy balances; heat transfer; basic concepts concerning air/water vapour mixtures; mass transfer); unit operations and preservation processes (heat exchanger; blanching; pasteurization and sterilization of foodstuffs; chilling and refrigerated storage; freezing of foodstuffs; freeze concentration; drying and dehydration of foodstuffs).


  • Original title: Concepts de génie alimentaire : procédés associés et applications à la conservation des aliments.
  • Record ID : 30002770
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Technology
  • Publication: Tec & doc - lavoisier - France/France
  • Publication date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9782743013936
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
