From snow to ice. Proceedings of the first international conference on marketing and fabrication of ice.

De neiges en glaces. Actes de la première rencontre internationale sur le commerce et l'artisanat de la glace.

Date: 1900.01.01


This document includes 28 articles (22 in French, with the others in English, Italian and Catalan) presented at the conference, which was held in Brignoles, France, July 6-9, 1994. Extract from the table of contents: harvesting natural ice (Norway); design and features of ice-making factors (Great Britain, Wallonie, France, Korea, Iran, Spain, Italy and Albania); an ice cave on Reunion Island; ice and ice-making facilities in the 2nd century B.C. in the middle Euphrates; cooling vases from ancient times to today; an ice well (Spain); cool drinks: between necessity and speculation, methods for exploiting natural ice in lower and middle Provence. This document will be available from the IIR.


  • Original title: De neiges en glaces. Actes de la première rencontre internationale sur le commerce et l'artisanat de la glace.
  • Record ID : 1996-3835
  • Languages: French
  • Number of articles: 0
  • Publication: ASER Centre-Var - France/France
  • Source: Source: suppl. n. 5 Cah. ASER; 227 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; index.
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    ASER Centre-Var, Actes Conf., Brignoles/Cah. ASER

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.