Glycolysis and ATP degradation in cod (Gadus morhua) at subzero temperatures in relation to thaw rigor.

Author(s) : CAPPELN G., JESSEN F.

Type of article: Article


Glycolysis was shown to occur during freezing of cod by decrease in glycogen and an increase in lactate. In addition, the ATP content decreased during freezing. Synthesis of ATP was measured as degradation of glycogen. During storage at -9 and -12 °C it was found that degradation of ATP was faster than synthesis of ATP. This led to presence of glycogen even at low ATP concentrations. The ATP and glycogen degradation rates and lactate formation rate reached an optimum when stored at -9 °C compared to -12 °C. Evidence of ATP synthesis at 0°C during thawing was obtained. Reduction or elimination of thaw rigor effects (shrinkage and drip loss) during a period of frozen storage were examined. When thawing at 5 °C, fillets stored at -9 °C showed significantly less shrinkage than fillets stored at -40 °C. Pre-rigor fillets (-40 °C) showed significantly less drip loss than fillets stored at -9 °C.


  • Original title: Glycolysis and ATP degradation in cod (Gadus morhua) at subzero temperatures in relation to thaw rigor.
  • Record ID : 2002-2023
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. - vol. 34 - n. 2
  • Publication date: 2001


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