Improved energy efficiency thanks to reduced oil consumption in an ammonia refrigeration system.

Verbeterde energie-efficiency door lager olieverbruik bij ammoniakkoeling.

Type of article: Article


Ammonia refrigeration systems operate more efficiently when lubricating oil is removed from the refrigerant. Due to relatively high ammonia temperatures, some of the oil applied as lubricant and sealant evaporates and is transported into the cooling system by the ammonia flow. This coil contamination causes a film to settle inside the evaporators and condensers, which decreases the heat transfer and causes a fall in the suction pressure, a rise in the condensation temperature and an increase in operation time and the electric energy consumption of the compressors. A company producing frozen mushrooms decided to introduce a hydrotreated oil and a high-efficiency oil remover. These measures caused the oil concentration in the gas leaving the compressor to drop to less than 3 ppm. Not only does this lead to substantial energy savings, but also to a significant reduction in the oil consumption and a diminished need for maintenance.


  • Original title: Verbeterde energie-efficiency door lager olieverbruik bij ammoniakkoeling.
  • Record ID : 2003-1698
  • Languages: Dutch
  • Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 95 - n. 12
  • Publication date: 2002/12
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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