Investigations of Chinese cabbage cold storage chamber operation.
Number: pap. 2668
During the long-term cold storage of the Chinese cabbage there was planned an experiment to investigate how the bed of vegetables reacts on changes in working conditions of the cooler consisting in different modes of power supply (100%, 80%, 60% and 40% of fan power drive). The results of measurements of inner-air parameters (velocity, temperature and relative humidity) for different operating modes have been presented in the paper. Interpretation of results is difficult by the fact that in the heat exchanger of the cooler condensation and freezing occurs, requiring periodic defrosting. Frost build-up blocks the airflow causing additional resistance changing air flowrate and heat transfer conditions in the cooler, and as a result, the conditions in the chamber. The bed of vegetables is not uniform in temperature and unevenly reacts to the changes in inner environment. In the paper particular attention was paid to the defrosting effect on temperature within the cabbage load. Spots of the load, most exposed to the temperature changes, excessive drying or cold injuries were indicated.
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Pages: 9 p.
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- Original title: Investigations of Chinese cabbage cold storage chamber operation.
- Record ID : 30018596
- Languages: English
- Source: 2016 Purdue Conferences. 16th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2016/07/11
See other articles from the proceedings (274)
See the conference proceedings
Specialized cold stores;
Vegetables - Keywords: Operation; Frost; China; Cabbage; Air; Performance; Cold storage; Flow
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