Performance of an absorption/compression heat pump for air conditioning using the system water-LiBR+LiI+LiNO3+LiCl as working pair.


A new absorption/compression heat pump for space heating and cooling is being developed under the European Joule Programme. The machine uses water-lithium bromide as working pair and produces ice-slurry at triple point conditions when operates in cooling mode. In the study, the potential of the new multicomponent salt mixture as working pair was evaluated. An analysis of sensitivity was carried out to study the influence of the absorber temperature on the machine performance in terms of the COP and crystallisation risk. Results showed that for the new working pair the cycle can operate at an absorber temperature about 12 °C higher than for water-LiBr, with similar COP values.


  • Original title: Performance of an absorption/compression heat pump for air conditioning using the system water-LiBR+LiI+LiNO3+LiCl as working pair.
  • Record ID : 2002-1598
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Thermal sciences 2000. Proceedings of the ASME-ZSITS International Thermal Science Seminar + CD-ROM.
  • Publication date: 2000/06/11
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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