Proceedings of the International Conference on Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 2011 (ICACR2011): towards sustainable growth and carbon-free world; July 6-8, 2011, Pyungchang, Gangwon, Korea.
Date: 2011.07.06 / 2011.07.08
Location: Pyungchang, Gangwon, South Korea
This conference was held jointly with the 2011 Summer Annual Conference of SAREK in commemoration of its 40th anniversary. The proceedings present comprehensive overviews and recent trends in the HVAC&R area. Approximately 60 papers, including 14 keynote presentations, from all over the world were presented.
Extract from the table of contents: HVAC systems; refrigeration systems; energy savings and renewable energy; heat exchangers; heat and mass transfer; heat pumps.
- Original title: Proceedings of the International Conference on Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 2011 (ICACR2011): towards sustainable growth and carbon-free world; July 6-8, 2011, Pyungchang, Gangwon, Korea.
- Organiser : SAREK
- Record ID : 30001938
- Languages: English
- Number of articles: 0
- Publication: SAREK (The Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea) - South korea/South korea
- Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See conference
Humidification/dehumidification equipment;
Heat pumps techniques;
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Heat transfer;
Mass transfer;
Blends - Keywords: Renewable energy; Refrigerating system; Operation; Building; Mass transfer; Ventilation; Heat transfer; Design; Chiller; Asia; Desiccant system; Heat pump; Performance; Case study; Energy saving; Thermodynamic cycle; Refrigerant; Air conditioning; Heat exchanger; CO2
Long-term model-based performance of ground hea...
- Author(s) : RUAN W., HORTON W. T.
- Date : 2011/06
- Languages : English
- Source: HVAC&R Research - vol. 17 - n. 3
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HVAC system design of liquid desiccant fresh ai...
- Author(s) : ZHANG W., TENG S.
- Date : 2013/02
- Languages : Chinese
- Source: HV & AC - vol. 43 - n. 274
- Formats : PDF
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Diseño y caracterización de un intercambiador g...
- Author(s) : REY J. M., LORENZO GONZÁLEZ S., SAN JOSE ALONSO J., et al.
- Date : 2018/06/19
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: CYTEF 2018. IX Congreso Ibérico y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, Valencia, España, 19-21 junio 2018.
- Formats : PDF
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Application of evaporative cooling air-conditio...
- Author(s) : LIU H., ZHANG J.
- Date : 2011/12
- Languages : Chinese
- Source: HV & AC - vol. 41 - n. 258
- Formats : PDF
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Study on a non-condensing air-conditioning syst...
- Author(s) : TSAY Y. S., KATO S., OOKA R., et al.
- Date : 2006/05
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Transaction of the Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan - vol. 110
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