Storage of different varieties of apples and pears cv Spadona in "ultra-ultra" low oxygen (UULO) conditions.

[In Hebrew. / En hébreu.]

Author(s) : RESNIZKY D., SIVE A.

Type of article: Article


Over a period of 2 seasons reaction to UULO storage conditions was compared with commercial conditions of "ultra low" oxygen for pears (cv Spadona) and apples (cvs Grand Alexander, Jonathan, Starking Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Royal Gala) at 0 deg C. The Australian system of "0% oxygen shock" for 10 days at the beginning of storage period was also tested with cvs Grand Alexander and Jonathan. Different carbon dioxide levels were compared according to cvs susceptibility to this storage factor. The UULO system could be considered a plausible alternative to antioxidants currently used (DPA and Ethoxyquin) since the use of these chemicals may soon be limited.


  • Original title: [In Hebrew. / En hébreu.]
  • Record ID : 1993-0282
  • Languages: Hebrew
  • Source: Alon Hanotea - vol. 45 - n. 11
  • Publication date: 1991/08
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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