The effects of prolonged storage under vacuum or CO2 on the flavour and texture profiles of chilled pork.

Author(s) : JEREMIAH L. E., PENNEY N., GILL C. O.

Type of article: Article


Results of physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial analyses of meat packed under vacuum or under CO2 and stored for 18 weeks at -1.5 deg C. Meat appears to be resistant to oxidative and autolytic degradation under these storage conditions.


  • Original title: The effects of prolonged storage under vacuum or CO2 on the flavour and texture profiles of chilled pork.
  • Record ID : 1993-1449
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Food Res. int. - vol. 25 - n. 1
  • Publication date: 1992
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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