Utilizing refrigeration for food preservation. Technology developments 1870-1970.

L'utilisation du froid pour la conservation des denrées alimentaires. Evolution des techniques 1870-1970.

Author(s) : BOULAHBAL S.

Type of monograph: Thesis


Memoir for the advanced studies diploma in "History of technical engineering". Extract of contents: before 1870 (refrigeration in old times; natural refrigeration; artificial refrigeration; the four channels for refrigerating machines; perishable food and refrigeration); 1870-1914 (the beginning of refrigeration in the brewing industry; meat preservation with refrigeration; Carré and Tellier processes; utilizing refrigeration in the food industry; refrigerated transport; cold stores); between the two World Wars 1918-1945 (production of refrigeration; introducing refrigeration in daily life; refrigeration in the agricultural and food industry; refrigerated transport; cold stores); 1945-1970 (systems producing refrigeration; development of technology for refrigerating process of perishable food and refrigerated transport).


  • Original title: L'utilisation du froid pour la conservation des denrées alimentaires. Evolution des techniques 1870-1970.
  • Record ID : 1995-2672
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: Ehess - France/France
  • Publication date: 1993
  • Source: Source: 133 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; phot.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.