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50 results
A simple method to evaluate the shelf life of refrigerated rabbit meat.
Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging with Various CO2 Concentrations on the Bacterial Community and Shelf-Life of Smoked Chicken Legs.
El envasado ultralimpio y la descontaminación con nanoemulsión de orégano alarga la vida útil de la carne picada almacenada a 4°C.
Ultraclean packaging and surface decontamination with oregano essential oil nanoemulsion increases the shelf-life of minced meat stored at 4°C.
The use of filtered air curtains along with antimicrobial ice improves the quality and shelf life of fresh fish in refrigerated open display cases.
The Quality Analysis and Deterioration Mechanism of Liquid Egg White during Storage.
Zero-Waste Approach Applied to Pomegranates for Prolonging Fish Burger Shelf Life.
Evidence for two domains of growth temperature for the psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens MF0.
IIR document
La porine majoritaire OprF de la bactérie psychrotrophe Pseudomonas fluorescens comme senseur de la température.
Major porine OprF as temperature sensor in the psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Validation of mathematical models for predicting growth of Pseudomonas spp.
Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa behaviour in frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale) submitted to temperature abuses.
Effects of temperatures and storage time on resting populations of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Pseudomonas fluorescens in vitro.
Effect of low temperature on dynamics of numbers and exhibition of biocontrolling effect by bacteria of genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus.
[In Russian. / En russe.]
Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation des transferts thermique/hydrique et de la croissance microbienne au cours du transport frigorifique de carcasses de porc.
Experimental caracterisation and modeling of heat/mass transfer and microbial growth during refrigerated transport of pork carcasses.
Characterization of dry-aged meat flavor precursors and liberation mechanism through a metabolomics approach.
Snomax, neige "de culture" et environnement.
Snomax, "cultivated" snow and the environment.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
3 results
First antimicrobial copper air-handling unit lauched in Europe
The first antimicrobial copper coil air-handling unit was produced last autumn in Europe
Rapid low-temperature process adds weeks to milk's shelf life
A rapid heating and cooling of milk significantly reduces the amount of harmful bacteria present, extending by several weeks the shelf life of milk, according to a Purdue University study.
New antimicrobial edible coatings can extend the shelf-life of fresh meat by up to 50%
According to research from Spain, new antimicrobial edible coatings can extend the shelf-life of fresh meat by up to 50% . The films, made from essential oils including oregano, clove and rosemary, were applied to the surface of the meat “as a...