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  • Update on illegal HFC trade in Europe

    An EIA investigation highlights the different smuggling routes used to illegally import HFCs into Europe and shows which refrigerants are most frequently sold in this way. 

    • Publication date : 2021/09/07
    • Subjects: Regulation
  • New REHVA General Secretary

    During the latest REHVA General Assembly held on April 18, 2012, in Timisoara, Romania, Prof. Olli Seppänen announced that he will be stepping aside from the post of REHVA Secretary General. The new Secretary General, Jan Aufderheijde, who was...

    • Publication date : 2012/06/19
  • For IIR members only

    EU reports shortage of RAC technicians

    In the latest edition of the labour shortages and surpluses report, the European Labour Authority identified 11 countries with severe shortage of air conditioning and refrigeration...

    • Publication date : 2024/11/21
    • Subjects: General information
  • The HVAC&R market in the EMEA region in 2015

    Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI), the European Statistics Office for the HVAC&R market, has just published the results of its studies on 2015 sales in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, based on the data collected from a large...

    • Publication date : 2016/12/06
    • Subjects: Figures, economy