2007 Proceedings of the DKV Conference, Hannover.
DKV-Tagungsbericht 2007, Hannover.
Date: 1900.01.01
These proceedings contain 95 papers in German and 8 in English presented at the annual DKV (German Refrigeration Association) Conference held in Hannover, Germany. Themes: I. Cryogenics; components for cryogenic applications; important projects with helium; field experiences with cryogenic systems; cryogenic technology and applications; technical application of helium. II.1. Solar refrigeration; CO2 as a refrigerant; CO2 and alternative processes; absorption systems. II.2. Compressor technology; heat exchangers; technology and simulation; control; technology applications; rules, laws and safety. III. Supermarket refrigeration; industrial refrigeration; new components for car air conditioning; new refrigerants and leakage measurement for cars. IV. Latent heat accumulation; energy efficiency; heat pumps; air conditioning and room air distribution; comfort; special applications and measurements.
- Original title: DKV-Tagungsbericht 2007, Hannover.
- Organiser : DKV
- Record ID : 2009-0467
- Languages: German
- Number of articles: 56
- Publication: DKV (Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein) - Germany/Germany
- ISBN: 9783932715426
- Source: Source: vol. 34; 5 tomes; 1707 p. (14.6 x 20.6); fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.
- Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
- Notes:
DKV-Tagungsber. 34, Hannover
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See articles (56)
Heat pumps, energy recovery: general information;
General information on refrigeration;
Air conditioning: general information;
Low-temperature physics;
Residential heat-pumps;
The influence of refrigeration on cells, tissues and organs;
Properties of cryogenic fluids and materials;
Cryomedicine and cryosurgery;
Commercial heat pumps;
Indoor air quality;
Industrial heat pumps;
Air conditioning in laboratories and industry;
Cryogenics safety, instrumentation and metrology;
Large-scale cryogenic applications;
Cogeneration (CHP), trigeneration;
Green buildings;
Absorption and adsorption systems;
Mobile air conditioning;
Other energy-saving and energy-recovery systems;
Heat pumps, energy recovery: regulations and standards;
Solar refrigeration;
Containment, refrigerant charge reduction;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards;
Energy efficiency, energy savings;
Cryology, gas processing: regulations and standards;
Refrigerating equipment: regulations and standards - Keywords: Thermodynamics; Regulations; Refrigerating system; Industrial application; Helium; Germany; Single-family house; Safety; Cryotemperature; Car; Measurement; Liquefaction; Ventilation; Control (automatic); Ammonia-water; Ammonia; Air quality; Absorption system; Supermarket; Heat pump; Residential building; Europe; Environment; Solar energy; Energy efficiency; Energy saving; Cryogenics; Cryopreservation; Cryosurgery; Retrofitting; Leakage; Refrigerant; Thermal comfort; Air conditioning; Latent heat; Heat exchanger; Water-lithium bromide; Screw compressor; Scroll compressor; Compressor; Cogeneration; CO2; Thermal energy storage
The road for new generation technologies. Inter...
- Date : 2012
- Languages : English
- Formats : Hard copy
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A solar assisted and air cooled absorption mach...
- Date : 1999/03/24
- Languages : English
- Source: Proceedings of the International Sorption Heat Pump Conference.
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Solar assisted CHP refrigeration system.
- Author(s) : EZZAHIRI S. M., INFANTE FERREIRA C. A., KRIEG J., et al.
- Date : 2009/06/23
- Languages : English
- Source: 3rd Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants
- Formats : PDF
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Ammonia, Ohrid 2009
- Organiser : IIF-IIR
- Date : 2009
- Languages : English
- Formats : CD-Rom, PDF
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Absorption heat pump for home retrofit.
- Author(s) : SPINDLER U.
- Date : 1997/03
- Languages : English
- Source: IEA HPC Newsl. - vol. 15 - n. 1
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