A method of characterizing the average ice crystal size in ice creams.

Contribution à la caractérisation de la taille moyenne des cristaux de glace dans les crèmes glacées.


Conditions of ice cream preparation lead sometimes to an "icy" textured product due to wide size ice crystal formation, ice crystal shapes and sizes depend on product composition, but are also influenced by the process conditions. So, the authors' main contribution consists in setting up an ice crystal observation method. Its main advantage was to optimally maintain the frozen product's original structure. Somme data are presented. This method could be also applied to other commercial foodstuffs.


  • Original title: Contribution à la caractérisation de la taille moyenne des cristaux de glace dans les crèmes glacées.
  • Record ID : 2000-2016
  • Languages: French
  • Publication date: 1999/03/31
  • Source: Source: Agoral 99, C. R. Onzièmes Rencontres sci. technol. Ind. aliment., Nantes
    247-252; 5 fig.; 8 ref.