CFCs and some of their substitutes have a very high global warming impact, which is inevitably drawing the attention of decision-makers. And yet, their "direct" impact on global warming is generally low when compared to that of CO2 released in producing the energy needed to run refrigerating systems. The amount of CO2 released depends on many things and is low when compared to the total amount of emissions in energy production. Generally speaking, the conversion made necessary by ozone depletion need not lead to lower energy efficiency, as long as certain precautions are taken. The refrigeration industry can thus continue playing an important role (as it has already done with heat pumps and in helping to reduce food losses) in the fight against global warming (very likely worsened by fossil-fuel use) and energy waste, which are obstacles to human development and welfare.
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- Original title: A new challenge: from the ozone layer to the greenhouse effect.
- Record ID : 1994-0068
- Languages: English
- Source: Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Global Warming Impact.
- Publication date: 1993/05/12
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (34)
See the conference proceedings
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: general information;
CFCs - Keywords: Ozone; CFC; Review; Greenhouse effect; Refrigerant; CO2
The ozone vanishes.
- Author(s) : LEMONICK M. D.
- Date : 1992/02/17
- Languages : English
- Source: Time int. - vol. 139 - n. 7
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Les gaz à effet de serre.
- Author(s) : LAMBERT G.
- Date : 1992/05
- Languages : French
- Source: Recherche - vol. 23 - n. 243
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L'effet de serre.
- Author(s) : MARTIN Y.
- Date : 1993/01
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 83 - n. 930
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CFC and HCFC substitution: short-and long-term ...
- Author(s) : CAVALLINI A.
- Date : 1994
- Languages : French
- Source: Bull. IIF-IIR/Freddo - vol. 74 - n. 6
- Formats : PDF
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Energy and global warming impacts of CFC altern...
- Author(s) : FISCHER S. K., FAIRCHILD P. D., HUGHES P. J.
- Date : 1992/06/22
- Languages : English
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