Advanced supermarket refrigeration/heat recovery systems. Final report from Annex 26 of the IEA Heat Pump Programme. 2. Country reports [CD-ROM].

Author(s) : IEA HPC

Type of monograph: Report


This volume of the IEA Annex 26 final report contains 9 detailed project reports from each participating country: Canada (2 reports), Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom (2 reports) and the USA (3 reports). Each country report consists of a separate file on the CD (see also the Bulletin of the IIR, reference 2002-3234 and this Bulletin, reference 2004 - 2601). Extract from the table of contents: country reports from Canada (by Hydro Quebec-LTE and the CANMET Energy Technology Centre); country report from Denmark; country report from Sweden; UK report Phase 1 individual technology reviews; final UK report on Phase 2 studies; US reports: development and demonstration of an advanced supermarket refrigeration/HVAC system; field testing of an advanced low-charge supermarket refrigeration system; supermarket refrigeration systems: Excel Spreadsheet Users' Manual.


  • Original title: Advanced supermarket refrigeration/heat recovery systems. Final report from Annex 26 of the IEA Heat Pump Programme. 2. Country reports [CD-ROM].
  • Record ID : 2004-2602
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation, Environment
  • Publication: IEA HPC (International Energy Agency, Heat Pump Centre) - Sweden/Sweden
  • Publication date: 2003/05
  • ISBN: 9073741491
  • Source: Source: HPP-AN26-3; 439 p.; CD-ROM; fig.; phot.; tabl.; ref.; append.; EUR 150 (EUR 50 in HPC member countries)
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See book excerpts (6)