Effect of SO2 for controlling Botrytis cinerea in Italia and Red Globe grapes stored at different temperatures.

Author(s) : MUNOZ V., BENATO E. A., SIGRIST J. M. M., et al.

Type of article: Article


The lowest temperature (4 °C) was the best for preserving the quality of table grapes in both cultivars. High temperatures increased weight loss, stem colour, decay and SO2 residue. The use of SO2 reduced decay under the experimental conditions.


  • Original title: Effect of SO2 for controlling Botrytis cinerea in Italia and Red Globe grapes stored at different temperatures.
  • Record ID : 2002-0240
  • Languages: Portuguese
  • Source: Rev. bras. Fruticult. - vol. 22
  • Publication date: 2000


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