IIR document
Generalized numerical modelling of unsteady heat transfer during cooling and freezing using an improved enthalpy method and quasi-one-dimensional formulation.
Author(s) : FIKIIN K. A.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
A numerical solution of a generalized Stefan problem is presented. It covers a great variety of unsteady heat conduction cases accompanied by phase transformations. A mathematical model is developed for determination of the unsteady-state temperature and enthalpy fields (as well as the space-time evolution of the phase content) and of the cooling and freezing (heating and thawing) times of food materials and other bodies of various configurations (representing multicomponent two-phase systems having one freezable component). An improved enthalpy method is proposed by which all non-linearities, caused by the temperature dependence of the thermophysical coefficients, are introduced in a functional relationship between the volumetric specific enthalpy and the Kirchhoff function. Thus the non-linearities are eliminated as a factor making the solution difficult. The applied approach possesses great adaptivity and flexibility in solving complicated moving boundary problems.
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Pages: 132-140
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- Original title: Generalized numerical modelling of unsteady heat transfer during cooling and freezing using an improved enthalpy method and quasi-one-dimensional formulation.
- Record ID : 1996-3453
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 19 - n. 2
- Publication date: 1996/02
See other articles in this issue (8)
See the source
Food engineering;
Chilling of foodstuffs;
Freezing of foodstuffs - Keywords: Food; Calculation; Heat transfer; Chilling; Simulation; Enthalpy; Freezing
- Author(s) : FIKIIN A. G.
- Date : 1987/08/24
- Languages : French
- Source: Development in refrigeration, refrigeration for development. Proceedings of the XVIIth international Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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Estimation of freezing or chilling behaviour.
- Author(s) : BART G. C. J.
- Date : 1998/01
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 21 - n. 1
- Formats : PDF
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Using equivalent volumetric enthalpy variation ...
- Author(s) : SANZ P. D., RAMOS M., MASCHERONI R. H.
- Date : 1996
- Languages : English
- Source: J. Food Eng. - vol. 27 - n. 2
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An exact solution on the estimation of heat-tra...
- Author(s) : DINCER I.
- Date : 1996/11
- Languages : English
- Source: J. Food Eng. - vol. 30 - n. 3-4
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A model for prediction of heat transfer-control...
- Author(s) : LA ROCCA V., MORALE M., PANNO D.
- Date : 2003/08/17
- Languages : English
- Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
- Formats : PDF
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