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Optimal selection of system design and natural refrigerant for refrigeration and HVAC systems.

Number: 0003

Author(s) : GIROTTO S.


Nowadays it is generally recognised that natural refrigerants will play a predominant role in the future in most of refrigeration and HVAC applications. The best natural refrigerant in absolute, suitable for all type of installations, doesn’t exist. What is not clear yet is the best combination of plant design and natural refrigerant (mainly ammonia and CO2, but also flammables like HC – hydrocarbons) for each specific application, keeping into account all the constraints in practical installations. Typical constraints are for example space and noise issues, indoor/outdoor installation of the refrigerating system, remote or on-board condenser, safety issues like toxicity and flammability, practical aspects like footprint and volume of the plant, direct expansion or secondary fluid, and of course efficiency and cost. This paper is one general overview of various applications of refrigeration and HVAC systems, considering for each one the combination of system design and refrigerant, with evaluation of performances based on the practical constraints listed above. Comparison and evaluations are made for plants using all natural refrigerants in various applications.

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Pages: 12


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  • Original title: Optimal selection of system design and natural refrigerant for refrigeration and HVAC systems.
  • Record ID : 30030962
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 10th IIR Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies.
  • Publication date: 2023/04/27
  • DOI:


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