Physical changes in the structure of ice cream and frozen fruit desserts during storage.
Type of article: Periodical article
The results of studies of physical changes of the structure of milk ice cream at fat content of 4.0 % — 6.0 % and frozen whipped fruit desserts at different degree of overrun with/without addition of whey and whey protein concentrate are given in the paper. It is shown that the storage temperature affects the dispersion of structural elements of frozen whipped fruit desserts. An average size of air bubbles of frozen whipped desserts stored at minus 18 °C is 1.2 –1.4 times larger than the size of the bubbles of the samples stored at minus 25 °С. The average size of ice crystals increased 1.4 times after 9 months of storage at minus 18 °C. The average size of air bubbles of ice cream at 4 % fat content increased 1.5 times after 6 months of storage, and the ice crystals size increased 1.1 times. It is recommended to use the storage temperature below minus 25 °С to keep the quality of ice cream and frozen whipped desserts. Milk ice cream and frozen fruit desserts are recommended to be stored at minus 18 °С during not more than 6 months.
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Format PDF
Pages: 5 p.
- Original title: Physical changes in the structure of ice cream and frozen fruit desserts during storage.
- Record ID : 30030143
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: Пищевые системы - vol. 2 - No 2
- Publication date: 2019
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21323/2618–9771–2019–2–2–31–35
See the source
- Themes: Ice creams
- Keywords: Ice cream; Cell; Storage condition; Temperature; Physical property; Fruit; Expérimentation; Frozen dessert; Ice; Crystal; Phase; Air; Physico-chemical property
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