Refrigerating Equipment: Automatic Devices and Design.
Equipements frigorifiques : automatisme et conception.
Author(s) : GAC A.
Type of monograph: Book
This publication covers automatic control and safety devices for vapour-compression plants in the agro-food sector, including the cold chain. It covers temperature, humidity and atmosphere composition, system devices and electronic plant operation.
Available documents
Format Hard copy
Pages: 368
Public price
50 €
Member price*
42 €
* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).
- Original title: Equipements frigorifiques : automatisme et conception.
- Record ID : 1997-3142
- Languages: French
- Publication: Tec & Doc - Lavoisier - France/France
- Publication date: 1997/05
- ISBN: 2743001763
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Refrigerating equipment: general information;
Refrigeration and perishable products: general information;
Food engineering;
Other air-conditioning equipment;
Cold chain, interfaces;
Refrigerant circulation: piping, control, automation, safety;
Domestic applications (refrigerators, freezers) - Keywords: Valve (generic); Thawing; Refrigerating system; Household application; Food industry; Food; Safety; Cold room; Cold chain; Management; Automation; Design; Temperature; Remote control; Control (automatic); Chilling; Refrigerating plant; Relative humidity; Equipment; Freezing; Air conditioning; Storage life; Compressor
- Author(s) : NOWOTNY S.
- Date : 1988/05/17
- Languages : English
- Source: Cold chains in economic perspective.
- Formats : PDF
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Méthodes et moyens pour superviser la chaîne du...
- Author(s) : GASTAUD F., YQUEL N.
- Date : 2000/12/12
- Languages : French
- Source: Télégestion et automate programmable en froid. ELEC 2000 : recueil des conférences.
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Aide-mémoire. Formulaire du froid.
- Author(s) : RAPIN P., JACQUARD P.
- Date : 2010
- Languages : French
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- Author(s) : CAVATORTA A.
- Date : 1991
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Industria & Formazione - vol. 15 - n. 146
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Moderne Kältetechnik mit Datenfernübertragung.
- Date : 2000/09
- Languages : German
- Source: Kälte + Klimatechnik (Die) - vol. 53 - n. 9
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