Systems, energy and built environment: toward a sustainable comfort. Proceedings 47th International Congress of AICARR: October 8-9, 2009, Tivoli-Rome.

Impianti, energia e ambiente costruito: verso un benessere sostenibile. Atti 47° Congresso Internazionale AICARR: 8-9 ottobre 2009, Tivoli-Roma./ Systems, energy and built environment: toward a sustainable comfort. Proceedings 47th International Congress of AICARR: October 8-9, 2009, Tivoli-Rome.

Date: 2009.10.08 / 2009.10.09

Location: Rome, Italy


The proceedings of this IIR-co-sponsored event held in Rome, Italy, contain 73 papers (58 in Italian, 15 in English). Topics of congress sessions: buildings: energy and environmental sustainability; energy retrofitting of buildings; building energy sustainability; integration of renewable sources in buildings; technological innovations in the building/plant system; management and maintenance in the building/plant system.


  • Original title: Impianti, energia e ambiente costruito: verso un benessere sostenibile. Atti 47° Congresso Internazionale AICARR: 8-9 ottobre 2009, Tivoli-Roma./ Systems, energy and built environment: toward a sustainable comfort. Proceedings 47th International Congress of AICARR: October 8-9, 2009, Tivoli-Rome.
  • Organiser : AiCARR
  • Record ID : 2009-2206
  • Languages: Italian
  • Number of articles: 21
  • Publication: AICARR (Associazione Italiana Condizionamento dell'Aria, Riscaldamento, Refrigerazione) - Italy/Italy
  • ISBN: 9788895620534
  • Series number: 47
  • Conference type: IIR co-sponsored conference
  • Notes:

    AICARR, 47 Congr. int., Rome

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (21)
See conference