Search results

  • France: a HFC price commission before an index from INSEE (in French)

    During SIFA, the Snefcca (French national union of refrigeration, kitchen equipment and air conditioning companies) confirms deadlines and framework of the future index from INSEE (French national institute for statistics and economic studies)...

    • Publication date : 2015/12/09
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives, Figures, economy
  • Briefs: USA

    - The US Department of Energy (DOE) has published on August 31 the first energy efficiency standards for refrigerated vending machines. The new standards take effect in 2012 and over the following 30 years, DOE estimates it will save about 47 TWh...

    • Publication date : 2009/12/09
  • Direct CO2 emissions generated by the refrigeration sector in Chile

    As part of its national inventory submitted to the UNFCCC, Chile reported greenhouse gas emission values for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.

    • Publication date : 2021/08/16
    • Subjects: Figures, economy, Developing country, Environment
  • Price increase for HFCs

    Chemours, Mexichem and Arkema have announced 10-15% rise in cost of several HFCs from 1st January 2016

    • Publication date : 2015/12/09
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • Reducing the environmental impact of ultra-low temperature refrigeration systems

    Ultra-low temperature (ULT) refrigeration systems often use very high-GWP HFCs. Yet, ULT systems are excluded from the scope of the regulations aimed at phasing-down HFCs. An IJR paper reviews the most promising...

    • Publication date : 2020/04/05
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives, Environment
  • Supermarket refrigerant retrofitting.

    A few figures about supermarkets retrofitting their refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants.

    • Publication date : 2017/03/24
  • EU: High-GWP HFC shortages and price rises

    Several refrigeration associations in the EU have warned of severe refrigerant supply problems in their countries.

    • Publication date : 2018/03/21
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • US: EPA confirms two rules to reduce HFC emissions.

    HFC phase-down: The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces a ban on a number of HFC refrigerants in certain applications and tightens leak rate rules.

    • Publication date : 2017/01/17
    • Subjects: Regulation, HFCs alternatives
  • EU Regulation on fluorinated gas impacts

    The revised regulation on fluorinated gas No 517/2014 was published on May 20, 2014 in the Official Journal of the European Union. It entered into force on June 9 and will apply from January 1, 2015.

    • Publication date : 2014/08/08
    • Subjects: Regulation, HFCs alternatives
  • Global warming potential (GWP) of HFC refrigerants

    Using the latest updated data from UNEP’s RTOC 2022 report, we have compiled the 100-year GWP and 20-year GWP values of hydrofluorocarbon-based (HFC) refrigerants. Our table includes...

    • Last update : 2023/09/15
    • Langues : English, French
    • Themes : HFCs