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31 results
IIR document
Effect of different packaging methods and cold storage on quality and shelf life of red sweet pepper.
Eficacia de un envase de cartón activo antimicrobiano en la conservación refrigerada de pimiento fresco a granel.
Efficacy of an antimicrobial active cardboard crate for refrigerated conservation of fresh pepper.
Combinación de radiación UV-B y -C como elicitora de la biosíntesis de flavonoides durante la vida comercial refrigerada de pimientos.
Combination of UV-B and -C radiation as elicitor of flavonoid biosynthesis during the commercial refrigerated life of peppers.
Effects of different internal and external packaging on precooling rate and cold chain quality of green bell pepper.
Estudio comparativo de la evolución de los parámetros de calidad en pimiento verde almacenado a dos condiciones de temperatura.
Comparative study of the evolution of quality parameters in green peppers stored under two temperature conditions.
Un refroidisseur au banc d'essai.
Chiller to the test bench.
Estimation of suitability of grades of sweet pepper to low-temperature freezing.
[In Russian. / En russe.]
Effect of maturity stage and short-term storage on the biological quality of sweet pepper fruits.
The effect of storage temperature prior to cutting on the quality of packaged, sliced red peppers.
Quality characteristics of mashed red peppers added with cryoprotectant.
[ In Korean. / En coréen.]
Experimental study on vacuum ice-temperature measurement of fruits and vegetables.
[In Chinese. / En chinois.]
Sensitivity of pepper fruits of different cultivars to low temperature stress as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence
Freezing of some selected vegetable varieties.
A model for modified atmosphere packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
1 result
A project aimaing at improving fresh produce exports from Dominican Republic
The United States Department of Agriculture is currently working to strengthen the DR’s ability to export high quality fruit and vegetable products.