Blowing agent in the polyurethane (PU) foam industry in Japan.
Author(s) : ISHII S.
In the PU foam industry, HCFC-141b is used only in rigid PU foam in Japan and HFC-245fa is considered as the best candidate after 2004. Several technical problems should be solved are existing due to its low boiling point. A Japanese association is now investigating a new blown system using all-water or hydrocarbon to reduce the usage of HFC-245fa in 2010.
- Original title: Blowing agent in the polyurethane (PU) foam industry in Japan.
- Record ID : 2002-0107
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment, General information
- Source: Joint IPCC/TEAP expert meeting on options for the limitation of emissions of HFCs and PFCs. Proceedings + Meeting report.
- Publication date: 1999/05/26
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (30)
See the conference proceedings
General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…);
Insulants - Keywords: R245fa; Japan; Insulant; R141b; Substitute; Foam; Environment
Zero ODP blowing agent options for rigid polyur...
- Author(s) : JEFFS M., VOS R. de
- Date : 1999/05/26
- Languages : English
- Source: Joint IPCC/TEAP expert meeting on options for the limitation of emissions of HFCs and PFCs. Proceedings + Meeting report.
View record
Considerations for the responsible use of HFCs ...
- Author(s) : ASHFORD P.
- Date : 1999/05/26
- Languages : English
- Source: Joint IPCC/TEAP expert meeting on options for the limitation of emissions of HFCs and PFCs. Proceedings + Meeting report.
View record
Emissions from foams: predicting, monitoring, r...
- Author(s) : ASHFORD P.
- Date : 1999/05/26
- Languages : English
- Source: Joint IPCC/TEAP expert meeting on options for the limitation of emissions of HFCs and PFCs. Proceedings + Meeting report.
View record
Mechanism of abnormal weather and climatic vari...
- Author(s) : KUBOKI K.
- Date : 1995/02
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: SHASE - vol. 69 - n. 2
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Refrigerants and environment.
- Author(s) : TSVETKOV O. B.
- Date : 2013
- Languages : Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 1
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